Monday, November 23, 2009


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been soo busy. But here is an update on my life! For starters my roommates and I were biker chicks or hells angels wives for halloween. And we had the time of our lives, went on a party bus with about 40 other people. We just lived it up! We have all grown so much this year. We are truly learning what it is like to be adults and yet have fun at the same time. I could not imagine my life without these girls. There is never a dull moment in our apartment. We are always laughing and having a good time. I thank God everyday for them. They are my best friends and always will be.
I recently helped my roommate Jessica with 2 fashion shows at the church we go to. The basis of the shows were self image and self confidence. Jessica told me I had to help her because I am one of the few people she knows who have confidence in myself and I carry myself very well. The first fashion show was with girls who were in 5th through 8th grade. And I love this age so it was a lot of fun for me. I liked the fact that they were asking me questions and were interested in who I am, the best part was helping them become more confidence in themselves. They were also asking me questions like, "are you a model", "do you do runway", and one asked Jessica if she was on a TV show. We had some good laughs after we left and were recapping the night. I also found it interesting listening to their dreams and what they wanted to be when they grow up. They were not very realistic. And many of them said models. I just wanted to say, you just wait and see that when you get older it is not all that it is cracked up to be. They are so innocent and have a lot of living to do.
Saturday night we had a group of older girls and they were in high school. They were a lot easier to work with and had a lot of fun! The concept of these fashion shows was to show these girls that you don't have to dress revealing or expose too much to be pretty. And that your body is God's creation and you should treat it with respect. It has amazed me from what I have seen while at college. It has really opened my eyes to the "real world". Not only in dress but in other peoples actions. It makes me think, what would your parents say if they knew you were acting like this or even dressing like this. But in some cases the parents don't care. So I have come to realize that not everyone is as fortunate as I am and doesn't have the up bringing I have had. There is so much more in my life that I can't wait to experience and I am excited for what the future and God have in store for me!

I just want to thank my mom and dad for making me who I am! Love you both so much!!

God Bless and have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

-just keep livin-

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Be a Fan

A couple of weeks ago I received a letter from the Special Olympics congratulating me for being nominated for an award. The award I was nominated for is called Youth service Award. It is an award that is given to the most outstanding volunteer/coach ages 21 and younger, for being dedicated to the athletes and the mission of special olympics. There were 2 other coaches up for the award but unfortunately I did not get it. The boy who won had been volunteering for a lot longer than Me.

I was just honored to me nominated after one year! Coaching special olympics has a huge impact on my life and is the highlight of my day. I cannot wait for team handball to start and then I will coach basketball! I am so excited words cannot explain.
Here is a picture of me and one of my favorite athletes; Jenni!!

Jessica was my date for the banquet and it gave her an insight of what the special olympics truly means to me. She said she had a great time and now knows why I love it so much.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to School

What a summer... Kind've glad its over but not really ready for school. I had a wonderful summer at home! Working and hanging out with my mom and dad! :) I also turned 21 this summer. And it was great to have my WHOLE family to celebrate with me! I couldn't have asked for a better birthday and family.

I already have 2 days of school under my belt and it feels great! I can already tell it is going to be a great year! I would love for you to continue your prayers for me!

God Bless,

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Update

I have been working a lot! Which is great! I love my job!! It has been a great summer! Spending time with family and friends!

Over the 4th of July weekend I went to my first and hopefully not my last street dance! It was so great to spend time with my 2 best friends! My roommates! We have all been through a lot together and I don't know where we would be without each other! I think I can say this for all of us that we are looking forward for school to start. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such great roommates! They have helped me with so much this summer! I do love the small town life (for a while)!

This summer I have grown and become a stronger person. I have grown a lot in my faith. And I have become closer to my family. I guess you could say this summer has been a "growing" summer. I am having the time of my life! "Just livin" as I like to call it!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Start of Summer '09!

Thank you for all of your prayers! God works wonders! I am so excited about how well I have done in school and my hard work payed off!!!
So far this summer has been relaxing, I have been working on my Tan, :) reading (I know shocking right, just started my 3rd book of the summer) I have been to a few Twins games, and started working. My actual work does not start until Monday June 15th.

My mom and I went to visit Katie and Bret in IOWA!! We had a blast! I went to kindergarten and I forgot how much hard work it is. I was exhausted by the end of the day! Here is a picture of me and my favorite kid!We had a blast, and all day I had kids calling me Mrs. Euken! I said no Mrs. Euken is over there! We also got to see baby Reese! She is adorable! And is going to be a heartbreaker! I can't wait to see her again. I have never been to the University of Iowa Campus, but now I can say I have. GO CYCLONES!

After many conversations with my parents and many observations I have come to the conclusion that people are stupid, and we made a new version to a song. It goes "God is great, Beer is good, and people are stupid. Ha it is just a little insight to what my summer/ school year has been like. I am living at home with my mom and dad. I am loving every minute of it and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so thankful for them and the love they have for me!

Recently Kyle and I practiced our tennis skills, lets just say we (I) was a little rusty. But we played the "Aimee way" and thats when Aimee Lynn always wins! (and I get to make all the rules) Kyle didn't like that version too much. But we have been enjoying eachothers company so far this summer!!I'm excited to see what God has in store for me for the rest of the summer!

God Bless!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prayer is needed!

Its crunch time! Next week is dead week then FINALS. Everyone is really stressed and emotions are rising and it really taking a toll on me. I hate being stressed and I don't like seeing others close to me stressed (roommates and kyle). If you know me at all, you should know that I am usually a care free kind of girl, except when it comes to school that is. These next two weeks are going to entail a lot of studying, late nights and cramming. When I get stressed I shut down and cry. Its so hard to hold back my tears, I am truly my mothers daughter! But I just have to hold my head up high and be confident. And I don't like asking for things, but prayer is one thing I'm not afraid to ask for. So please pray not only for me and my finals, but for all those around me! I know that God will guide me through this and all my trust is in him! And all of my hard work will pay off in the end, summer will come sooner than we know!

God Bless!

Monday, April 13, 2009

He Has Risen!

Here is a picture of me and my Lamb cake that I made for Sweinconka! Yummy! :)

Dying eggs!! (and showing off my muscles, My names Glen)

Easter Morning, after church! I still had not found my basket. I tried to get up early to find it but that did not work. I found Leanne and Ryan's right away, but I could not find mine. Then finally I found it in the garbage cupboard! The Easter bunny is soo sneaky. I had a wonderful Easter, and I truly love being home! I got a quick sense of summer and I cannot wait! I'm just excited for this summer and the plans that God has for me!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Back To School

After having the past 3 weeks off, I started school yesterday. We (my roommates and I) kept saying that it felt like the first day of school all over again. Because we had to get new syllabus' and all of our tests, projects, papers everything were moved around. It feels good to get back into things, but after having all that time off I think we are all in summer mode. The flood is expected to crest again next week, so keep everyone in the Fargo/Moorhead area in your prayers. I have a class over at Moorhead State University, and on my way there and back I drove over the river, and the water is very close to the buildings, bridges etc. The lowest level of a parking ramp is flooded. So the one thing I learned from this experience is to never live near water. Well thats the advice my sister (Katie) gave me!

I am really looking forward to Easter. Especially sveinsunca (means easter brunch in Polish, I don't think I spelled it right). I'm also looking forward to going home and seeing my parents! And I can't forget about celebrating Jesus raising from the dead! Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The past week I have not had school due to the Red River Flooding. When I first heard school was canceled I was confused. I did not understand why they were canceling school. The Flood is not going to affect campus. But then I realized that they need all the help they can get, with filling bags with sand, and building dikes. I went to help build a dike. It consisted of standing and passing 35-40lb bags down the line. Once we got there, it hit me. These are people homes, their shelter is at risk. And its just a reality check. Within being there for an hour the water rose a foot. Just being there made everything so REAL. But it feels good to help out! So keep Fargo/Moorhead in your prayers!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hello everyone,

Just a little update on my life! I have been going to school full time, just got a job, and coaching special Olympics basketball! Special Olympics is the highlight of my life, although it is only volunteering it feels like much more than that! Going to practice is the highlight of my day. No matter what kind of day you are having you always walk out of practice with a smile on your face! We just recently had state in Minot, ND. Farthest I have ever been in to North Dakota. BOringgg. We got 4th place! Doing this has really made me look back on my life and think about the things I take for granted. There are no words to explain my experience I have had! My brother just recently told me that he has the picture of my team on is computer back round and the students in his class call each other "retards" I absolutely hate that word. So when my brother hears one of his students call another a "retard" he pulls them over to his desk and shows them the picture, he told me he does not hear that word once he does that. Hearing my brother tell me this story meant a lot to me. Because I am only one person and when I hear someone say "retard" I say I don't like that word. But to know that someone else says something, it means a lot! I hope that by reading this, it will help you have another outlook on life! And when you hear someone say "this is retarded" I hope you stand up to them!

Love, Aimee