Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prayer is needed!

Its crunch time! Next week is dead week then FINALS. Everyone is really stressed and emotions are rising and it really taking a toll on me. I hate being stressed and I don't like seeing others close to me stressed (roommates and kyle). If you know me at all, you should know that I am usually a care free kind of girl, except when it comes to school that is. These next two weeks are going to entail a lot of studying, late nights and cramming. When I get stressed I shut down and cry. Its so hard to hold back my tears, I am truly my mothers daughter! But I just have to hold my head up high and be confident. And I don't like asking for things, but prayer is one thing I'm not afraid to ask for. So please pray not only for me and my finals, but for all those around me! I know that God will guide me through this and all my trust is in him! And all of my hard work will pay off in the end, summer will come sooner than we know!

God Bless!

Monday, April 13, 2009

He Has Risen!

Here is a picture of me and my Lamb cake that I made for Sweinconka! Yummy! :)

Dying eggs!! (and showing off my muscles, My names Glen)

Easter Morning, after church! I still had not found my basket. I tried to get up early to find it but that did not work. I found Leanne and Ryan's right away, but I could not find mine. Then finally I found it in the garbage cupboard! The Easter bunny is soo sneaky. I had a wonderful Easter, and I truly love being home! I got a quick sense of summer and I cannot wait! I'm just excited for this summer and the plans that God has for me!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Back To School

After having the past 3 weeks off, I started school yesterday. We (my roommates and I) kept saying that it felt like the first day of school all over again. Because we had to get new syllabus' and all of our tests, projects, papers everything were moved around. It feels good to get back into things, but after having all that time off I think we are all in summer mode. The flood is expected to crest again next week, so keep everyone in the Fargo/Moorhead area in your prayers. I have a class over at Moorhead State University, and on my way there and back I drove over the river, and the water is very close to the buildings, bridges etc. The lowest level of a parking ramp is flooded. So the one thing I learned from this experience is to never live near water. Well thats the advice my sister (Katie) gave me!

I am really looking forward to Easter. Especially sveinsunca (means easter brunch in Polish, I don't think I spelled it right). I'm also looking forward to going home and seeing my parents! And I can't forget about celebrating Jesus raising from the dead! Happy Easter!