Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cross it off the bucket list :)

This past Saturday Leanne, Jordan and I ran the Fargo half marathon
13.1 miles! Something that I can now cross off my bucket list.
I have learned a lot through this experience.

Here is Leanne and I before the race! Smiling... after the race no so much. I thank God that she was with me every step of the way. I could not have done this with out her! She push and pulled me! I love you! Maybe someday we can run another one together! :)

Here we are holding hands, still in good spirits at mile 8. (In the middle of the race I got warm and took of the white sweater and gave it to Ryan, so I was running and unpinning and pinning my bib, Quite the experience) Even though our feet hurt and we did not know this but soon our legs were going to go numb and not want to run anymore. But it was still worth it!
WE DID IT!!!!!!! I could not have asked for a better finish! Maybe a better time.... but still soo worth it! If you would have asked me right after the race, Sunday or Monday if I would do it again I would have said NO. But now that I think about it I might do it again. Maybe next year we will do the Marathon 4 person relay!

Jordan has been my pusher through this experience as well! He would keep me accountable on my training. After I finished he greeted me with hugs and kisses (don't tell my dad) and a bouquet of Flowers! I could not ask for a better boyfriend :)

These are my Beautiful flowers! I sure do love getting flowers :)

Everyone received a medal just for finishing the race! The whole experience is very fun. Did not think I would say that but I did have a good time (besides the blood on my shoes, my legs cramping, being sore for 4-5 days, taking long runs for training).

On the back of the medal it has a verse that says:
"let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us" -Hebrews 12:1

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!! I am happy for you! This is the first race that I have heard having a bible verse on the medal - so cool!!! None of my medals has that... maybe next year I will come up and do that one!!! CONGRATS!! Love - AK&UJ
